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18th September 2024 Duxford

Our Reunion on Wednesday the 18th of September 2024 was held again at the Imperial War Museum  Duxford,

Duxford greeted us with grey skies at first, wafted in by a North Easterly breeze off the North Sea, but the sun soon burned it off to give us another glorious blue sky day.

By 10.30 am Air UK people started arriving. One husband and wife all the way from Bournemouth, Peter Boreham and Jax, and John Davidson long-hauled it by road from Newcastle!

Our aviators were Tony Rodmell who flew in from the Beverley direction, whilst Martin Randall, and Rob Trister, came by air from White Waltham.

Maria North took the group photo in front of the RAF 146, and then afterwards, Air UK Leisure Captain Bill Darroch, who is a volunteer at Duxford, let us all into the Royal Flight Bae-146. Hence we had an amusing time sitting in the seat often occupied by the late Queen, and were given an intriguing chat by the Imperial War Museum expert on the Royal Flight 146.

Numbers were down this year, we missed our Cabin Crew, but we’ll do it again in 2025!

Best wishes


AirUK Reunion 2024
Those Attending – 28
Anderson Norman Darroch Bill Rawlings Peter
Anderson Catherine Davidson John Robinson Barry
Bennion John Foster Neil Rodmell Tony
Bradshaw Nigel Fricker Glen Stanley Roger
Best John Henderson Suzie Symonds Ben
Boreham Peter Holmes Glenn Taylor Jeremy
Boreham Jax Kerr Clive Trister Rob
Cook Chas Mitchell Tom Young Robert
Copping Pat North Maria  
Cowan Don Randall Martin  
Apologies From Absent Friends – 28
Alam Mahmood Edwards Andrew Sabastani Sahara
Briscoe Jon France Carl Savridge Lisette
Burgess Robert Gold Jerry Sommer Marc
Buttle Robin Grant Ian Stephenson Adele
Clark Gladys Hakim John Trendell Nick
Crossman David Innes Trudi Ventura Anne
Dakin Terry King Simon Whitley-Burlison Stephanie
Daniel-Buckley Tara Mather David Wood Keith
Davies Graham Pollak Chris  
Drury Steve Reade Martin  
AirUK Reunion 2024