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12th September 2012 Duxford

Thanks to everyone who has sent photos for inclusion in this web site.

The Air UK 2012 reunion was an outstanding success, thanks to both Adele Stephenson and Clive Kerr for taking the time to make the arrangements and inform us all of the arrangements that have been made.

The 2012 AirUK Reunion photos can be viewed here by clicking on the appropriate link on that page.

The 2012 Informal Reunion took place on the 12th September 2012 at the Duxford Imperial War Museum.

Clive did not quite manage his usual excellent weather but it was dry and clear for most of the day, although chilly. Over 30 apologies were received, which always makes us wonder who (if anyone) will turn up. With badges at the ready, Clive was braced for action in the car park and it soon seemed that they were being handed out at a brisk rate. The final total was 62.

As ever we had to be revived with coffee before we could look at any aircraft – but the noon group photograph at the AIR UK Herald made us realise that more than coffee would be required to revive it. Missing both engines and the tail, even Maintrol might have backed off from trying to persuade any captain to take it.

Clive, who knows everyone, found Debbie Collett, ex-AIR UK, ex-BA and on the day Duty Manager at Duxford, who very kindly arranged for us to have the extra room at Wingco Joe’s café to ourselves. We were thus able to move the tables and chairs around to form groups and make as much noise as we wished.

Carl France, who makes such a marvellous job of the website, was unable to come, recovering from some painful dental treatment, better now fortunately. Congratulations to Hazel Fricker, who has just got married but retains her name. If anyone likes the thought of some sun this winter, contact Will Sharpe for details of his house in South Africa.

Photographers Roger Stanley and Peter Heath (we knew Peter would find a permanent job every year at Duxford with his camera) worked tirelessly to capture the old faces – perhaps that should be rephrased but you know what I mean.

To all those who came – wonderful to see you again. Those who missed out, there will be another chance next year.

Finally, Maria North is organising an evening reunion on April 13th 2013. For details, please contact Maria


Anderson Catherine Frye Rod Robinson Barry
Anderson Norman Galloway Richard Rodmell Tony
Bell Gary Gregory Tony Salem John
Best John Heath Peter Saunders Giles
Bines Jeff Holmes Glenn Scales John
Brand Pete Hufton Roy Sharp Chris
Brand Becky Hughes Paul Skelton Simon
Brigham Ian Innes Mark Stanley Roger
Bryce Smith Rob Kemp Bill Stephenson Adele
Buttle Robin Kerr Clive Stowe Mike
Carter Alan Loader Graham Taylor Melissa
Collett Debbie Long Kevin Trendell Nick
Cowan Don Manley Helen Watson Guy
Cranmer Rita Marcello Giudici Weatherill Sonja
Cranmer Scott Marray George Whatley Colin
Crossman David McBurnie Micky Wilson Tom
Doggett Pat McCarthy Ett Wilton Geoff
Farmborough John Meade Ian Wood Mike
Fenton Mark Mongini Ian Yates Chris
Frankland Victoria Payne Paul Young Robert
Fricker Glen Rawlings Pete 62 Total



All the following former colleagues were unable to come due to rostering or other commitments.
They all send their best wishes and hope to see friends on a future occasion.

Angell Angie Gates Tim Popham Graham
Benbow Jim Gold Jerry Reade Martin
Brown Steve Goslings Daphne Rix Dave
Burton Eileen Hancock Anne Robins Ian
Cooper Jim Harrold Andy Sharpe Will
Cornish Simon Henderson Suzie Symonds Ben
Dakin Terry Laver Peter Taylor Jeremy
Davidson Janet Le Galle Mike van der Kwaak Alf (Airvo AMS)
Dunning (Marshall) Margaret Mathers Dave Watt Cara
Dunning Zane Mead Lucinda Williams Colin
Elbourn Will Mitchell Tom Woods Gordon
Elliot Pete Nelson Sue Young John
France Carl Parker Richard  
Fricker Hazel Pollak Chris 40 Total